Sunday, March 22, 2009

My "brief" biography

So... for the North American Hellenic Ministries board (NACOM) meeting a few weeks ago, each of the missionaries here was supposed to write up a quick little biography description with our prayer requests so that the board members would know us better (especially since there have been so many of us that are new!), and how best they could be praying for us. Like I just posted, I can definitely feel those prayers being answered! But anyway, I thought I would expose my dorky self by showing you the process I went through to cut my "brief" bio down as small as possible so that it wouldn't be drastically longer than everyone else's. Oh, the crazyness of being such a passionate creative writer... haha. So, are you ready for a good laugh? Let me copy and paste the various drafts for you... (I'll mostly just post the "background" section.. because that is what I modified the most times... the rest was pretty much the straight forward format that everyone followed): (And if you're bored and truly don't care... please feel free to just skip below to the final product!):

Background: I am the oldest of three in a close-knit Christian family. I have lived in two small town, Dutch communities, and I am thankful for the long-term relationships these places naturally cultivate to make me feel known, loved, and encouraged. God gave me a clear calling to ministry in high school, and the opportunities to lead worship and plan church/mission events haven't stopped since. In 2008, the summer after I graduated from college, I connected with HM as a member of the Pioneers Edge team. I helped with the sports camps, OJ, and even a "last minute call" to OG3, China. In January 2009, I moved to Greece to serve with HM for as long as God allows.

Background (choppier...): Oldest of three in a close-knit Christian family. Thankful to feel known, loved, and encouraged through long-term relationships cultivated in the two small town, Dutch communities I have lived in. Since receiving a clear calling to ministry in high school, opportunities for me to lead worship and plan church/mission events keep arising. Summer 2008 - Pioneers Edge team member. In addition to helping with the sports camps and OJ, I followed the call to OG3, China. January 2009 - moved to Greece to serve with HM for as long as God allows.

Meggan De Jong

From: Sully, Iowa, USA
Training: BA in Music Ministry & Christian Ed. Ministry from Northwestern College, Orange City, Iowa
Background: Oldest of three in a Christian family. Thankful to feel known, loved, and encouraged as part of the two small town, Dutch communities I have lived in. After call to ministry in high school, have had continuous opportunities to lead worship and plan church/mission events. Summer 2008 - Pioneers Edger. Helped with sports camps, OJ, and followed the call to OG3, China. January 2009 - moved to Greece to serve with HM for as long as God allows.
Current Prayers: Connections & relationships, Focus on THE goal, In tune to the Holy Spirit’s leading, Filled to overflowing with the love, joy & peace of Christ

Background: Oldest of three in a Christian family with small town community roots. Lots of opportunities to lead worship & plan church/mission events. Connected with HM the summer of 2008 to help with camps and Operation Joshua, and then went to China for OG3. In January 2009, came back to Greece to serve long term with HM.

And the winner is... duhn, duhn, duh...

Meggan De Jong
From: Sully, Iowa, USA
Training: Music Ministry & Christian Ed. Ministry - NW College, Orange City, Iowa
Background: Oldest of three in a Christian family with small town community roots. Lots of opportunities to lead worship & plan church/mission events. Connected with HM to help with camps and Joshua, Summer ’08. Went to China for OG3. Back to Greece to serve long term with HM, January ‘09.
Current Prayers: Focus on THE goal; Connections & relationships; In tune to the Holy Spirit’s leading; Filled to overflowing with the love, joy & peace of Christ

Okay, yes, that was the final one, I promise. Commence laughing NOW! ;)

Overflowing with joy, peace,... and snot!

The last 10 days or so have been absolutely wonderful...

I have been filled to overflowing with joy and peace, just as I have been praying for since I arrived in Greece.

Unfortunately, I have also had a cold, and while the worst of it had ended after just a couple of days... I still am overflowing with that lovely stuff that comes with colds, yeah... blah, lol. Seriously, is there no end? :)

Oh well, all of the good stuff has definitely overshadowed that annoyance!

I am in the middle of writing a report to share with my new fellow Hellenic Ministries missionaries at our family conference coming up in mid-April. I'll likely post it eventually... but for now, it's enough to say that each of my primary prayer focus points for this season of my life are being answered in very special ways...

They are for:
Connections and Relationships
Focus on THE goal
Staying in tune to the Holy Spirit's leading
Being filled to overflowing with the love, joy, and peace of Christ

**I have so many new connections and relationships I am building in Athens already that I am actually starting to get concerned that I have too many friends, haha. Is that a bad problem? I am praying the Lord will help me be faithful to encourage and spend quality time with those he leads me to invest most in... I just... wow, yeah, can't even begin to start listing all of the very special people that I have met so far, mostly because I don't want to leave any of them out! They range from being random people I have met on a bus, to students from Canada and America here for a few weeks or a few months, to Greek students in Bible studies, to fellow classmates from all over the world learning modern Greek with me, to adult men and women of all ages at church or Bible studies who have offered much encouragement and wisdom, to fellow missionaries from a number of different organizations all over Athens, and... yeah, okay, I could go on, but I should stop... Again, Lord, thanks for making it such a passion of mine to meet new people and start new friendships!! :)

**My prayer last summer was for the eyes and ears to see and hear clearly where the Lord is calling me, and then to have the courage and strength to respond. That is still my prayer, but I've modified the "focus" of that a bit.
The eyes - for "FOCUS on my one and only goal, Jesus Christ!" As I am seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all else will be added... and oh, it sure has been, let me tell you! :)
The ears - to stay IN TUNE to the Holy Spirit's leading. I want to keep developing an ever more clear sense of when the Holy Spirit nudges me to respond to his promptings for steps big or small. I want to know and recognize the voice of the Lord so intimately that I don't have to doubt or question it.

**And oh my goodness, I have been overflowing SO MUCH with the love, joy, and peace of the Lord. In fact all through last week I kept making the comment to some of my friends that if God wasn't careful, he was going to drown me in this overflowing flood of his goodness and presence in my life. I LOVE IT! Keep filling me up, Lord! :) I have been able to have a few sweet intimate dates with God... along a beautiful beach, and in my sun-filled room, and during a Greek church service, etc... and I want more. :) Because it is WAY too fun to let the joy, peace, and love that I am filled with, overflow and encourage those around me. It's absolutely wonderful the feeling of not needing any of it in return when I give it out, because, yes, remember: God is keeping me FULL to OVERFLOWING! Then of course in the process of giving it out, it always returns in even greater abundance even though you don't have the sense of needing it... but anyway, of course that is one of the special, beautiful ways that God continually keeps me overflowing! At times I feel almost too giddy to handle it, yeah... really, I'm serious. Haha, I know there was a few times people just kinda chuckled at me like I was crazy when I had this big, goofy grin filling my entire face when they asked me how my week was going... but what can I do? I just can't help it!! :) And I guess for now I'm not yet having a self-conscious complex about being the big "goofy, giddy" girl, haha! ;)

Thank you so much Father for everything! :) And thanks for drawing me ever closer to yourself, so that as I am looking to you, others will see a light beam shining brightly, piercing the darkness of this world, and directly pointing the way to you: THE way, THE truth, and the LIFE... Thank you for redeeming me and cleansing me and covering me in your righteousness so that I have this privilege of helping bring glory, honor, and praise to your precious name! I love you, Lord!! :D

Saturday, March 7, 2009


In the last month...

I have started and completed a 60-hour (that's just CLASS time) Greek language course.

I have met some friendly Greeks on the bus and used the Greek I knew for short, funny, helpful conversations.

I have had so many wonderful, encouraging conversations with...
fellow HM staff; my fellow Athens Center Greek language school classmates; my roommate; new friends at the Bible school, church, and Bible studies; new random friends from various locations in Athens, hehe... etc, etc, etc.

I have sent an update e-mail (or two?) to my personal supporters e-mail list (but unfortunately I recently realized that I forgot to combine the mailing lists for the message(s) to send to my entire prayer network/friends list as well)

I have updated my facebook "Pray for Greece!" page with more prayer requests

I have taken more pictures of Athens and the various settings I am in to communicate with people across an ocean through image... buuut, I haven't exactly posted them all yet, haha, oops.

I have done quite well at responding to individual personal e-mails, facebook wall posts and messages, etc...

I have sent out a mass e-mail to all of the HM constituency.

I have helped organize, offer suggestions, and edit and update content for the HM and Operation Joshua websites.

I have had several great meetings about being an important part of HM's "new" communication team.

I have helped set new communication goals for keeping our HM family up to date news, events, and prayer needs.

I have composed letters to communicate with major donors about financial needs, but most importantly to ANYONE and EVERYONE about helping us communicate the Operation Joshua vision and join our prayer team.

I have experienced mutual encouragement with the Mission-Net staff as I have been communicating with them about the details for having HM present at their conference in April.

I have shared my life story (the "15 minute version," hehe) with fellow missionaries - the Campus Crusade group who I didn't even have to wait for Mission-Konnect to connect with and learn ALL of their names. :)

I have felt the Lord's presence and voice speak to me SO clearly that I wept.

I have been able to communicate (in TWO more new contexts) God's word through the memorized Scripture, with God's help, I have permanently engraved into my heart and mind.

I have creatively communicated God's love and praise through MUSIC, YEAH!!! :) a Brazilian church (SO FUN!) the Hall the Bible school basically any random piano I come across!

I have had some WONDERFUL, precious phone conversations with friends and family back home.

I have been writing in my personal journal nearly every night, conversing with God about my day, and praying for my friends through creative writing.

I have probably forgotten some of the opportunities that I have been able to communicate with people...


I HAVE been communicating A LOT... (and I am SO thankful for the passion God has given me for communicating and the special ways he is leading me to use this gift!!!!!)


I have NOT posted to my blog...

AH, whoopsies... For you faithful readers out there, forgive me! I really will try to do better this month!! :) But if worse comes to worse... try to find me through another various form of communication I am doing better at. Chances are I am still communicating what God is doing in my life SOMEWHERE in this web world. But if not, well, I AM doing so in live conversation, so I guess you'll just have to set up a date to come visit me in person!!!! :)