Thursday, February 28, 2008

12 Days of Birthday!

Yeah! I am soon going to take Aaron out for his birthday, and give him my unique birthday gift: "The Twelve Days of Birthday." Hehe... you see, I'm going to be gone to New York on a choir tour for the next twelve days, so I put together a special little package/note for him for each day that I'm gone. Woohoo! I'm really excited to give it to him.

I can't wait to be on tour! I really really enjoy them, even though it does mean way too much time in a charter bus with a whole lot of people. :) I like people though, so it works out okay. :)

Now I best go continue to get ready for my date...and make sure I'm ready for my late night of paper writing to finish up my midterm assignments before we leave on tour tomorrow, ah! :)

Until I post again... :D

Monday, February 25, 2008

I am so blessed!

I am the happiest woman in the world... for a million amazing reasons. :)
Turns out I don't have to work at Disney World to be a princess. ;)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's Valentine's Day...
the first one in a LONG time that I haven't had a sweetheart to celebrate it with... I don't want to let that get me down, though! :) I am truly enjoying my life and all of the wonderful friendships I have!!! God has blessed me SOOOO much!

I am disappointed in myself that I didn't write out a whole bunch of wonderful Valentine's Day notes to all of my friends... the truth is, that would take me forever, because there are so many people that I love and care about! If I have any complaint recently... it's just that... I feel helpless to share all the love and joy that I want to! I want everyone I know and love... even my newest friends... to know how much I care about them, and appreciate them in my life! I also feel like I'll never be able to take as much time as I want to thank God for all that I have been blessed with! I have always loved to journal about my days and how I saw God at work... Now I am behind almost a week, and I am scared to start again, because I'll want to catch up on the past week and thank God for all that has happened, all that I have learned, and all that I am so incredibly thankful for... but that just takes me SUCH a long time... and I can't do it all if I want to get a healthy amount of sleep. :( I am always so tempted to keep thinking about yesterday, and all that I wish I could remember, reflect on, or wish I could have accomplished... instead, I just need to keep reaching out in each moment... and seize every opportunity I have right in front of me. :)

God, you're so good! :) Thank you for opening my eyes to see you, my ears to hear you, and for giving me the strength and courage to follow you. Please continue HELPing me with this! :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I love how God weaves people's lives together. :)
I am incredibly thankful for friends...
I am thankful for joy...
...for life.
...for peace.
...for beauty.
...for sooo much! :)
...for rest and sleep too.
I am going to go sleep now.
Thank you, God, for another wonderful weekend!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Live Out Love

I am finally startng a blog!
I hope to fill it with Living Out Love and Laughing Out Loud stories! :)
This is probably the shortest post I'll ever write... bye for now!